Transfer Office – CeTAV
Transfer Office – CeTAV
Do you need advice about how to transfer your knowledge? Are you looking for contacts, do you want to learn about knowledge and technology transfer or need up-to-date information?
CeTAV, the CAS’s Transfer Office provides consultancy services to all CAS institutes in relation to the practical application of research outcomes. It helps research teams with specific cases of commercialisation, analyses of potential practical applications, intellectual property protection strategies and contracts securing collaboration with the commercial sector.
We assist with:
- We provide expert consulting services
- We assist with securing follow-up financing and obtaining contacts
- We offer collaboration in the commercialization of scientific results
In the past three years we have provided:
- 144 consultations on the commercialisation of R&D outcomes
- 48 consultations on intellectual property protection
- 14 consultations on commercialisation plans
- assistance with updating 11 internal regulatory documents regarding how research outcomes are handled
- 21 consultations on contractual relationships
- 12 consultations on internal institutional processes
- dozens more one-off consultations
CeTAV is implementing the Academic TTO project (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_014/0000626) which is co-financed by the EU.

Martin Smekalhead of department+420 731 627 230smekal@ssc.cas.cz Vodičkova 40, Praha 1