Organization management
Organization management
Středisko společných činností AV ČR, v. v. i.
Národní 1009/3
110 00 Praha 1
+420 221 403 111
Where to find us
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Bank account: 123-246450247/0100
ID: 60457856
VAT ID: CZ60457856
CAO Management
Wencel Tomáš, Ing., MBA | Director of the Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS | 221 403 556 | 737 934 336 | wencel@ssc.cas.cz |
Sobotková Kateřina, PhDr. | Director of the External Relations Division | 221 403 454 | 733 690 788 | sobotkova@ssc.cas.cz |
Padevět Jiří, PhDr. |
Director of the Academia Publishing Division | 221 403 820 | padevet@academia.cz | |
Martinický Ľubomír, Ing. | Director of the Conference and Hotel Division | 221 403 431 | 731 696 698 | martinicky@ssc.cas.cz |
Formáček Pavel, Ing. | Director of the Property Management and Services Division | 221 403 313 | 603 222 148 | formacek@ssc.cas.cz |
Kohoutek Jaroslav, Ing. | Director of the Information Technology Division | 221 403 362 | kohoutek@ssc.cas.cz | |
Malý Jiří, JUDr. | Advisory and Administrative Director | 221 403 329 | 731 823 502 | maly@ssc.cas.cz |
Berková Zuzana, Ing., MBA | Human Resources Director | 221 403 331 | 731 129 095 | berkova@ssc.cas.cz |
Polcar Ludvík, Ing., MBA | Finance Director | 221 403 380 | 737 998 355 | polcar@ssc.cas.cz |
External Relations Division
Sobotková Kateřina, PhDr. | Director of the Division | 221 403 454 | 733 690 788 | sobotkova@ssc.cas.cz |
Černoch Viktor, Mgr. | Head of the Academic Media Section | 221 403 531 | 776 792 474 | cernoch@ssc.cas.cz |
Spurná Martina, Mgr. art. |
Head of the Academic Video Production Section | 221 403 203 | 733 690 710 | spurna@ssc.cas.cz |
Petržílková Monika, Mgr. | Head of the Section of Education | 221 403 848 | 724 943 813 | petrzilkova@ssc.cas.cz |
Borovský Petr, Mgr. | Head of the Section of Science Popularization and Marketing | 221 403 851 | 739 329 858 | borovsky@ssc.cas.cz |
Padevětová Markéta | Head of the Section of International Mobility | 221 403 812 | 733 676 496 | padevetova@ssc.cas.cz |
Švejdová Kamila, Ing. | Head of the Financial Support Department and Chief Finance Officer for the Division | 221 403 579 | 734 263 079 | svejdovak@ssc.cas.cz |
Kubešová Monika | Head of the Public Relations Department | 221 403 440 | 733 677 758 | kubesova@ssc.cas.cz |
Hladíková Dita, Mgr. | Head of the Protocol Department | 221 403 278 | 731 694 243 | hladikova@ssc.cas.cz |
Svoboda Luděk, Mgr. | Head of the Internal Communication Department | 733 690 417 | svobodaludek@ssc.cas.cz | |
Růžičková Markéta, PhDr. | Head of the Press Department | 221 403 574 | 777 970 812 | ruzickovam@ssc.cas.cz |
Academia Publishing Division
Padevět Jiří, PhDr. |
Director of the Division | 221 403 820 | padevet@academia.cz | |
Franěk Petr | Bookshop Manager, Prague – Florenc | 221 403 858 | 739 488 995 | franek@academia.cz |
Vávrová Jana | Bookshop Manager, Prague – Národní | 221 403 856 | vavrova@academia.cz | |
Procházková Michaela, Mgr. | Editor in Chief | 221 403 844 | 777 947 744 | prochazkova@academia.cz |
Gjurišičová Viktorie | Head of Wholesale | 221 403 823 | 774 135 605 | gjurisicova@academia.cz |
Brožová Kateřina | Head of Production | 221 403 846 | 730 554 451 | indrova@academia.cz |
Hakenová Šárka | Head of Retail | 221 403 841 | 739 249 050 | hakenova@academia.cz |
Šrotová Jana, RNDr. | Editor in Chief, Živa magazine | 221 403 847 | 739 329 890 | srotova@ssc.cas.cz |
Halašková Jana | Senior Secretary – primary contact person | 221 403 820 | 775 135 603 | halaskova@academia.cz |
Conference and Hotel Division
Martinický Ľubomír, Ing. | Director of the Division | 221 403 431 | 731 696 698 | martinicky@ssc.cas.cz |
Trnka Roman | Hotel Manager – Villa Lanna and Penzion Marna | 739 329 865 | trnka@vila-lanna.cz | |
Pšenko Michal | Hotel Manager – Castle Hotel Liblice | 315 632 112 | 605 879 738 | reditel@zamek-liblice.cz |
Jan Křivánek | Hotel Manager – Castle Hotel Třešť | 734 773 566 | krivanek@zamek-trest.cz | |
Hampejsová Ivana | Hotel Manager – Hotel Mazanka | 221 403 701 | 607 673 876 | reditel@hotel-mazanka.cz |
Gastronomic services Národní |
221 403 269 | 739 329 865 | bistro@ssc.cas.cz |
Property Management and Services Division
Formáček Pavel, Ing. | Director of the Division | 221 403 313 | 603 222 148 | formacek@ssc.cas.cz |
Němec Zdeněk, Ing. | Head of the Accommodation Section | 221 403 865, 224 943 166 |
739 249 051 | nemec@ssc.cas.cz |
Knappová Soňa, Ing. | Head of the Operations Section | 221 403 444 | 733 216 109 | knappova@ssc.cas.cz |
Keller Miroslav | Head of Vehicle Operations | 221 403 496 | 735 762 766 | keller@ssc.cas.cz |
Borovička René | Head of the Property Management Department | 221 403 860 | 739 249 021 | borovicka@ssc.cas.cz |
Průša Pavel | Head of the Internal Management department | 224 240 537, 221 403 272 |
776 785 386 | prusa@ssc.cas.cz |
Foltýn František | Head of Maintenance Management Husova–Jilská |
221 403 493 | 777 323 709 | foltyn@ssc.cas.cz |
Juha Josef, Mgr. | Head of the Construction Department | 221 403 290 | 739 246 943 | juha@ssc.cas.cz |
Information Technology Division
Kohoutek Jaroslav, Ing. | Director of the Division | 221 403 362 | kohoutek@ssc.cas.cz | |
Klinerová Zuzana | Head of the Information Systems Section | 734 176 344 | klinerova@ssc.cas.cz | |
Macálková Marta | Head of the Web Administration Section | 737 252 239 | macalkova@ssc.cas.cz | |
Papíková Dana, Ing., DiS. | Head of the Server Infrastructure Department | 730 573 396 | papikova@ssc.cas.cz | |
Jung Martin, Ing. | Head of the Servicing and Support Department | 221 403 588 | 733 690 570 | jung@ssc.cas.cz |
Vondrášek Petr, Bc. | Head of the Network Administration Department | 266 052 824 | 605 444 174 | vondrasek@ssc.cas.cz |
Advisory and Administrative Office
Malý Jiří, JUDr. | Advisory and Administrative Director | 221 403 329 | 731 823 502 | maly@ssc.cas.cz |
Ondráček Roman, Mgr. | Head of the Administrative Section | 221 403 530 | 733 690 419 | ondracek@ssc.cas.cz |
Smekal Martin, Ing. | Head of the Transfer Office | 731 627 230 | smekal@ssc.cas.cz | |
Šťastná Václava, Mgr. | Head of the Legal Section | 221 403 292 | 604 283 315 | stastna@ssc.cas.cz |
Kratochvílová Veronika, Ing. | Assistant, primary contact person | 221 403 398 | kratochvilovav@ssc.cas.cz |
Human Resources Office
Berková Zuzana, Ing., MBA | Human Resources Director | 221 403 331 | 731 129 095 | berkova@ssc.cas.cz |
Mančalová Lenka | Human Resources Specialist | 221 403 216 | 731 591 996 | mancalova@ssc.cas.cz |
Kratochvílová Veronika, Ing. | Assistant, primary contact person | 221 403 398 | kratochvilovav@ssc.cas.cz | |
Havelková Lucie, Mgr., DiS. | Head of Childcare Facilities | 221 403 258 | 604 293 671 | havelkova@ssc.cas.cz |
Finance Office
Polcar Ludvík, Ing., MBA | Finance Director | 221 403 380 | 737 998 355 | polcar@ssc.cas.cz |
Wenclová Jana, Ing. | Head of Accounts | 221 403 404 | 605 547 758 | wenclova@ssc.cas.cz |
Vávrová Magdalena, Ing. | Assistant, primary contact person | 221 403 377 | 724 587 063 | vavrovam@ssc.cas.cz |
Director's Office
Jeleňáková Martina | Senior Secretary | 221 403 529 | 724 361 876 | jelenakova@ssc.cas.cz |
Miroslava Nalezená | Assistant to the Director | 221 403 295 | nalezena@ssc.cas.cz |
Audit and Risk Management Unit
Bártová Martina, Mgr. | Head of Unit, coordinator of the institutional resilience agenda | 221 403 590 | 602 108 039 | bartova@ssc.cas.cz |
Poborský Josef, Ing. | Audit and Risk Manager | 221 403 209 | 734 412 228 | poborsky@ssc.cas.cz |
Chmelíčková Zita, Mgr. et Mgr. | GDPR Representative | 732 378 756 | chmelickova@ssc.cas.cz |
Inter-Academy Collaboration Unit
Ihnát Pavol, Ing. | Head of Unit | 221 403 560 | 774 765 966 | ihnat@kav.cas.cz |
Navrátilová Irena, Ing. | Chief Secretary, primary contact person | 542 212 563 | 602 460 401 | navratilova@avcrbrno.cz |