Strategic Intelligence for Research and Innovation (STRATIN+)

Strategic Intelligence for Research and Innovation (STRATIN+)

Within the framework of the STRATIN co-operative project, the Technology Centre Prague, as the main coordinator of the project, combines its expertise with the National Training Fund, the Centre for Gender and Science (NKC) at the Institute of Sociology of the CAS, and the Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS, which manages the activities of the EURAXESS Centre. Working together, the project participants respond to the demands of R&I stakeholders active in the public administration and research organisations that operate in the Czech Republic. They prepare analytical studies used in the development of evidence-based R&D&I policy in the Czech Republic. These cover both the national level, i.e., the level of governmental policies, and the institutional level, i.e., the level of research institutions and/or their clusters.

As part of the STRATIN+ project, EURAXESS is involved in the “Science, Education, and Labour Market” module. Its primary role is (1) to produce systemic analyses of conditions for the formation of international research teams, (2) the recruitment of top experts and talent from abroad and (3) to map administrative barriers pertaining to international research mobility.

The STRATIN+ project is to be completed by the end of 2024.

Persisting barriers in mobility of researchers and career development survey [Czech only]

Contact Info

Markéta Padevětová

Markéta Padevětová Head of the Section of International Mobility
+420 221 403 812
+420 733 676 496