Fostering the integration of the Czech Republic’s R&I ecosystem into the European Research Area and providing support for intensive international cooperation between Czech research organisations and enterprises in R&D&I (CZERA)
The co-operative project CZERA provides a comprehensive portfolio of support services necessary for the intensive involvement of Czech R&I stakeholders in the European Research Area. The project is managed by the Technology Centre Prague which, in cooperation with the EURAXESS Centre at the Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS and the Centre for Gender and Science (NKC) at the Institute of Sociology of the CAS, offers expert support primarily to research organisations and enterprises in the Czech Republic as well as the Czech government authorities responsible for implementing the research, development, and innovation agenda. This support is instrumental in creating and fostering a favourable environment for the participation of all involved parties in the EU’s 9th framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe (2021–2027), and other international R&D&I initiatives and programmes cultivated at the European level.
The CZERA project includes the specific module EURAXESS CR, the aim of which is mainly to provide services to facilitate administrative entry requirements for R&D&I workers coming to the Czech Republic from abroad. They can then more easily form highly competitive research teams together with Czech colleagues which go on to successfully participate in international R&D&I projects. The creation of intercultural, international project teams is also one of the requirements of the current EU grant policy and the Czech Republic can take full advantage of the EURAXESS CR facilities and its active connections to the pan-European EURAXESS network.
The CZERA project is to be completed by the end of 2027.
Contact Info

Zuzana MaršálkováProject Manager
+420 221 403 813
+420 739 329 857