Skill set for knowledge and technology transfer
Skill set for knowledge and technology transfer
The Skill set for knowledge and technology transfer project is a key part of the system of support for the application of the results of research activities conducted by the CAS institutes in practice. In order to develop this skillset base, the CAO is conducting research activities aimed at defining the areas and types of skills and know-how that can contribute to successful technology transfer. Another important research activity is the synthesis of information and experience verified in practice that encompasses the know-how applicable to specific situations and models for transferring research results into practice. Last but not least, the research also focuses on creating a modern platform for storing and transferring knowledge to target groups, not only within the Czech Academy of Sciences, but to other professional and public communities as well. This research activity has been carried out over a long period of time and primarily involves the staff of CeTTAV – the Transfer Office of the CAS and the Information Technology Division.
Contact Info

Ing. Martin Smekal
Head of CeTAV – the Transfer Office of the CAS
+420 221 403 890
+420 731 627 230